+255 788 831 788


Taste of cultures, African food, Local learning and Discovery

We offer a variety of tours across Tanzania’s diverse regions, including:

  • Adventure: Trekking and hiking adventures
  • Wildlife: National park tours with unforgettable wildlife experiences
  • Culture: Immerse yourself in Tanzania’s rich cultural heritage and meet its people
  • Education: Project involvement, study tours, and opportunities for learning and discovery
  • History & Society: Explore historical sites, towns, and gain insights into Tanzania’s political and social landscape
  • Nature: Delve into Tanzania’s stunning geology, landscapes, and ecological wonders

Our weekday safaris in Tanzania are perfect for those who want a fun and active way to experience the country’s wildlife, beauty, and culture. You can participate in various activities, explore diverse landscapes, and discover the wonders of Tanzania.

Visit 5 regions with national parks + Extended
Visit 4 regions with national parks + Extended
Visit 3 regions with national parks + Extended
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